Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Synergists Speak Out Program at ILA

Please Come!!! Please Participate!!!! Join Our Synergy!!!!

If you are attending the upcoming ILA Conference in Springfield, please mark your calendars to attend "Synergists Speak Out: Making A Difference in Your Library, Profession, and Community." The program will be held on Wednesday, October 10th, 9:00 - 10:30 am in Room B-1, Prairie Capital Convention Center. A stellar panel representing the first five years of Synergy: Diana Brawley Sussman (Year 1), Pattie Piotrowski (Year 2), Jane Ehrenhart (Year 3), Catherine Yanikoski (Year 4), Terry Cottrell (Year 5), and Brenda McGlohon (Year 1 and Mentor two years) will speak.

This program will be interactive, yes, INTERACTIVE! And we need you to help make the "synergy" strong! Come to represent your Synergy year and to meet up with your Synergy colleagues! We will be discussing the importance of getting involved, leading, following, and balancing leadership with personal lives.....and much, much more.

Bring your colleagues who might be interested in applying to attend future Synergy sessions! Bring emerging leaders who need a nudge to become more involved!

Don't forget to wear your Synergy pin during the ILA Conference, and be sure to pick up a red Synergy ribbon at the Registration Desk to attach to your conference name badge.

Please call/e-mail Pat Norris (or any of the panelists as well) if you have any questions about this program. We all hope to see you at this program and at the ILA Conference.